My leadership philosophy is simple - I want my sons to do what I want and think it is their idea.
The best tool to turn the above philosophy into reality is, wait for it, fitness.
Fitness and Parenting
Build Trust
Establish yourself as a Subject Matter Expert
Connect effort to outcome
Demonstrate excellence…or lack thereof.
both are valuable.
Have fun
Establish traditions
Fitness and America
America is founded on the idea of Individual Liberty.
Individual Liberty requires Americanism, morality, competence and capability.
We are losing all 4 in large part because we are becoming a nation of phone obsessed slug bodied donut pounders.
A strong, fit and capable populace is capable of building a better future while also significantly harder to control.
Teach your kids to love fitness.
have fun
build trust
demonstrate excellence
set the standard
Next Program Starts 8 September 2024.
Bad news. It’s running.
JK, running is awesome.
Join us. Subscribe below.
Red, White and Jacked